
Saturday, September 24, 2005

Good Morning--I don't want to clean

but we have to get going seriously on this house. We have put it off for FAR, FAR too long and I am ashamed of that but I think that I am motivated enough to really get some stuff done today. The weather isn't nice at all today. It was raining last night and its really yucky looking today still. I think that its supposed to rain again today so its a good time to get the inside stuff done. My husband is getting really upset that we haven't gotten a lot of things done, and rightly so, since he works his butt off just to come home to a dirty, cluttered house. I am a stay-at-home mom with one daughter, Angel, that I am home-schooling, and a step-daughter, Nikki, that is living with us while her husband, Brian, is in Iraq with his Army National Guard Unit and you would think that we could keep the house up better. Well in our defense, somewhat, we do have three boys to contend with a lot of the time. The older two, Jason--goes to kindergarten, and Thomas (TJ)--goes to pre-school, are out of the house from the time they go to school until about 5-530 pm so we should be able to get things done but we do procrastinate a LOT.

After school Jason and TJ go to a place called The Learning Center--which they have a lot of fun at--and that is why they don't get home until after 5 pm. It is a place that helps to teach kids with learning disabilities mostly but there are other kids there also. Jason started out just not talking but has since made up for lost time--he mostly just didn't talk to well but now we can't get him to shut up. j/k I love to hear him talk. TJ has a developmental delay/learning disability--he will be 4 in Nov. and isn't talking as well as he should be. He didn't even start to talk until about a year and a half ago. We had him work with a speech therapist through the summer, until he started pre-school in Dec. and then after we found The Learning Center, he has been getting better. He's still not talking like he should be and its still hard to understand him at times but we can understand him most of the time.

We have Alex here with us all the time as he is just about 2 years old now, Oct. 6th he will be, and you would think that we could get lots done--well yeah we should be able to but like I said we ALL procrastinate too much and I am one of the biggest ones. I am trying to get better at that but its just so hard when you are tired all the time. I will go take naps during the afternoon because of being tired. I guess that if I could actually sleep all through the night without taking3-5 potty breaks, then I would get some good restfull sleep.

Well I think that I have sat here and "procrastinated" long enough this morning so I'm gonna "hop, hop" on outta here to get the girls a goin' on the house while I take a nap so that I can join them.


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