
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Holy Moly--Why can't I motivate my kids

to do anything. I try to give them incentives to help get stuff done in the house but to no avail. I am just going to have to work through my tiredness and such and just do stuff myself. If they want something, boy are they up an at it. I don't want to complain too much because they do help when they will get up and do things but I just can't keep them motivated to get everything done in the house. I might try to do as my good friend, DarlaLULU, does and stay up at night to get some things done but I am not in any way going to do everything.

My dh, George, doesn't need to work the long hours he does and come home to the house looking like it does right now. A lot of the reason that he doesn't see it all done up as much also is that we get it all done and then the boys come home from school and The Learning Center and it just gets trashed so by the time he comes home from work, its all trashed again. I am trying to have the girls and I do a 5 minute quick pick up before we go up for baths and bed but sometimes it just doesn't happen.

I so feel a lot of times that I'm a failure as a wife because I should be able to keep my house clean for him but just can't. I also feel sometimes like I can't handle taking care of my grandsons all the time but I just can't imagine my life without them. I do love them all so very much but they get a little hard to handle sometimes. Am I wrong to feel that way? I guess that its not wrong because it is my own feelings and no one can tell me how to feel but I feel bad.

Ok enough of my boobing. I wish that some of the ladies that have been banned from CKMB could come back and that the "banning" of people on there would be fair. I guess that life isn't fair so why should the mb be. :( I do have to say that I do miss seeing some of the ladies on the mb--Shar, Kip, etc.--and there are others but just can't think right now. At least we can go to their blogs and say "Howdy" and that makes it a little better.

Well I think that's all for today.


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