
Thursday, September 29, 2005

I'm an Aunt again--Briar had her baby boy today

I am so happy that she had her baby but from what Grandma Charm said, it was a very, very long process that started Tues. morning and ended at 3:11 this morning (Thurs). He was 8 lbs, 21.5" long, and had a head circ. of 14.5 (if I remember correctly from Charm). Charm will be over in Boise with Briar for about 3-4 weeks while she recoops from everything and gets used to having a baby 24/7. Charm has already been over with Briar for a week to a week and a half so she is really getting the help. I can't wait to see him but will have to for a while. I can't even remember the name nor could I pronounce it either. :)

Well on to the house--it is slowly getting done and I am greatful but its not Nikki and Angel helping the most but Lexie and she doesn't even live here anymore. I have to say though that Angel is getting a little better about doing stuff w/o much arguing but she still does have her moments. She actually does do pretty good when others are working also. I am bound and determined to get this house looking really spiffy if it "kills" me. j/k but I will get it done some how some way.

I am going for now so I can get some housework done and try to relax some today.


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