
Sunday, October 02, 2005

I am still sooo frustrated

with my girls but I just need to get up and do the things myself because nothings going to get done if I don't do it. Nikki had to go for a walk today or she was going to "lose it" on people but that was about 5 hrs ago and she is still not home. I have called her and asked her to come home so that we can get the kids fed, bathed, and to bed but nothing. She says that she will be home pretty soon but she's having to much fun and doesn't want to come home. I don't blame her for wanting some "me" time but we need to schedule it a little bit better than just that she is going on a walk that same day. George just got ahold of her and she wants to know "If she comes and gets a lot of housework done, can she stay at her friends house?" NO WHAT THE HELL WAS SHE THINKING She has boys to help with and who know what time she would be back tomorrow if we did let her go. The answer will be--NO YOU CAN'T STAY OVER WITH A FRIEND. She is really getting on my nerves and she just wants to try to "recapture" some of her youth b/c she started having babies to early--she got pg with Jason at 16 years old. She sees Lexie able to go with friends and wonders why she can't. WELL DUH Nikki, she doesn't have kids so she's able to go with friends pretty much when she wants. I can't talk about Nikki anymore right now because I am sooooo angry with her.

I am just going to sign off before I do something I will regret.


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