
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Well its been a really long time since I blogged but

I've been busy with the kids and house--well LIFE is more like it. Now that its getting warmer, the kids are wanting to be outside more and I am starting to get spring cleaning fever so I need to do it when I have that "gumption" to do it because it doesn't come around very often--teeheehee. The kids are sick and now I'm getting it but I'm doing things to prevent it very much--like taking my vitamins and meds and eating better. I am also trying to NOT SHARE stuff with the kids but the youngest, Alex, loves to share everything with me and so its a struggle sometimes.

Well Jason is doing so wonderful that he doesn't even need to go to the Learning Center anymore and he doesn't need to have resource at school either. We are all very, very proud of him and he will graduate from kindergarten on May 24th. He won't need resource next year either but if he starts to "lag behind" then we can get some Title I help for him but if we keep working with him at home like we have been, he shouldn't fall behind. Angel will sit down and do his homework sheets with him now and he just whizzes through them like a pro. I just can't say enough about Jason--he is one of grandmas best kids.

Thomas will still continue to go to the Learning Center but only Tues, Wed., and Thurs. and then his IBI Coach Clyde will come over to the house on Fri. from 4-6 to work with him here. He also comes over on Sat. to work for a short time with him. They were over on hours with TJ so we had cut somewhere so we cut time at the Learning Center so we didn't have to lose hours at school with Georgia or time with Clyde. Thomas is learning so much but he is still behind on his skills so he will have the extra help for a while--we are still proud of him also.

Alex will start pre-school in Oct. and I can't wait. I will have peace and quiet in the house for at least a little while during the day then and will be able to get more done. hehehehe I love him so very much and couldn't love him (or the other two boys) anymore if he was my own child. He is starting into the terrible twos somewhat but I have to say that he really isn't that bad.

Well I could go on and on about my grandsons but I need to close now but will write again about them along with my daughter, Angel.


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