
Thursday, February 09, 2006

My dh, George, and I went out last night for our anniversary

We went out for dinner and then were supposed to go to the movies but ended up just going shopping then coming home. Every time we plan to go to dinner and a movie we do go to dinner but never make it to a movie. That is one thing that I would like to "fix" next time we go out. We don't get to go out very much but we do make it quality time when we do. I'm not to upset that we didn't make it to the movies because we did get time for just the two of us without kids and that is nice. Our actual anniversary isn't until tomorrow (Friday) Feb. 10th but since dh has to work, we went out last night. We will be married 16 yrs and have been together 16 1/2 yrs.

It will be just me for Weight Watchers again tonight as Charm is very sick and hasn't even ventured out of her house for fear of giving it to anyone else. I will just go weigh in and then come home so I can watch "Dancing with the Stars". I always miss it now that I have gone back to WW because we go on Thurs. night but I can catch the results show on Friday nights--I just like to watch the dances first hand and hear the comments from the judges.

Well that's all for now but will post when I get back of my results at WW.


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