
Sunday, January 01, 2006

HAPPY NEW YEAR--What a way to start it!!!

Man am I ever naucaus from my Byetta shot. Friday I started taking the 10 mgs instead of the 5 mgs and just like when I started it to begin with, I am feeling sick. Helena told me that I would probably have those same feelings because I was doubling the dose to the max that you can take but I didn't remember it being this bad. Well when I was in the hospital, I could get a shot of phenergen (sp) to help with it but at home I just have to deal with it. I just go up and lay down for an hour or so and then I do feel better. My family has been very understanding with me these last few days and letting me just kinda deal with this how I need to and I do help when I feel like I can. It is getting better today but man it is tough to begin with.

We all stayed up to ring in the New Year with our favorite show--Dick Clark's Rockin New Year's Eve. It was so nice to see Dick Clark back this year even if it wasn't to do all of the show. I hadn't realized how much his stroke in 2004 had impared his speech until last night. He was still Dick but you could obviously tell with his speech being a little slow and slurred.

I was in bed by 1230 am because of being sick but I at least made it until the new year. George, Angel, Nikki, Alex and myself rang in the New Year together but Jason and Thomas had already fallen asleep. Brian unfortunately had to work and couldn't be here with us.


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