
Sunday, November 27, 2005

It's been a few days since I posted last

but I have been resting like I am supposed to. I am also trying to watch what I eat for my Diabetes and have been doing my Byetta pen along with my Avandament like the dr. told me to. I go to see both the Diabetes dr and my regular dr tomorrow for follow ups from being in the hospital. I need to get some insulin probably from the Diabetic drs. patient assistance program as well as the Byetta pen since its expensive. I am doing tons better than before I went in the hospital with my diabetes but its still just a little high.

My husband is being such a nerd. He has a hard time getting up if he doesn't have to work (I really don't blame him b/c he does work hard) but if he would just listen to me and eat more than once a day and get up and take his meds at the same time every day, he just might get to feel a lot better. I have told him this for such a long time that I get angry now and a little heart broken but he's going to do what he wants no matter what I say. He asked me to take my meds and such so I am and now he needs to do the same for me and NOT just tell me he will. This is a never ending battle with him but until he really sees this "problem" then he's not going to do anything about it. I am grateful that he does take his meds but not at the same time each day like he really should.

Angel was a godsend to me while in the hospital when she stayed the one night while I was on the fourth floor. We had a nice time but I was so sad to see her go home b/c I got lonely up there all by myself. I was the easiest patient and didn't really ask for much so the nurses would periodically come down to check on me to make sure I hadn't "escaped" since I was so quiet. I must have been doing pretty ok when they moved me up to the 4th floor since they put me at the end of the hall. I had some pretty special nurses while up there. They were all a kick in the pants. Two in particular were very helpful to me--Blaine and Melissa. Blaine would explain things to me as he was doing them and if I had a question that he could answer, he would. Melissa was overnight and she would come and sit and talk to me when she had a few minutes just to keep me company and because she knew I was missing my family. There were others that took a little extra time with me but those two just stand out in my mind. Well Marj was pretty ok herself but nothing like Blaine and Melissa.

I am so glad to be home and on the mend completely as is my family. When I came home last Monday, I asked that Jason and Thomas not be told I was coming home so I could surprise them when they came home from school. I certainly did surprise them--Thomas just saw me and ran to my arms saying "Grandma you're home" while Jason was a little more reserved but he also came and gave me a hug and kiss and said "Welcome Home, Grandma". When I walked into the house, Alex got such a big smile on his face and said "Grandma" and then ran into my legs and hugged me, ran back to the couch, then back to my legs. He let me sit down then came and loved on me. That was the best medicine that anyone can get.

I am very appreciative to be alive today when I was so close to NOT being here that I am looking at life differently. I will live life a little better now and will appreciate the ones around me more--family and friends.


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