
Monday, October 24, 2005

Well so far so good with Nikki

She has been doing pretty good all weekend and then she did good in her counseling session today (or at least she said she did). She said that she just started opening up in the session and if that is true, I am very happy--mostly for her but also for us. I am hoping that this will be what she needs to be better. I am not pinning everything on just the counseling because she needs to be taking her meds everyday also but being able to talk to her counselor will help immensely.

I am willing to do anything to have the old Nikki back or the very least a Nikki that I can live with and is acceptable to deal with. Nikki can be such a fun person and a joy to be around and I wish I had that back. I can't wait to see what is going to happen now. I just can't wait to see what will happen when Brian comes back also.

Other than that, I am doing ok--until Angel and Nikki have to bicker (man they can bicker like an old married couple at times). They each like to get each other going and then one or the other will keep it going. Man I wish they could get along better and not fight because that is a lot of my stress also. When I can get everyone to get along then I will be doing really good.

Brian and Nikki are going to go to counseling when he gets back--both individual and marriage. I hope that they can get things back on track in their marriage.

I would like to do some counseling with George to get him to open up more to me or at least be able to understand him more but its not as important as Brian and Nikki. I would also like to do some family counseling because there are issues within the family that could really use some help.

Well that's all for now because the grandkids are just going bananas and I need to get some control over them.


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