
Monday, October 03, 2005

Well Nikki did it--she left after everything last night

and TJ and Alex had to watch her walk out because they were still up. TJ wouldn't go up to bed without mommy and Alex is just a night kiddo. I thank the Lord up above that Jason wasn't up because we really would have had a nasty scene.

George was getting ready to take Lexie home when he went upstairs and found a bag sitting at the top of the stairs. He asked who's bag it was and Nikki told him in was hers so he proceeded to through it down the stairs. When he came down, he opened the door and told her "If you want to leave then here's the door". She finished up doing a couple of things then got her pullover sweatshirt on, grabbed the bag and walked out the door. I asked him to try to get her to go with him to take Lexie home and talk to her but at first he said he wouldn't but then they stopped her down by the bank and tried to talk to her separately but nothing doing. George tried for 20 minutes out in the rain but all she kept saying is "I made a mistake". I'm not for sure what she meant by that but hopefully when she comes back, she will explain everything.

Lexie called me after she got done talking to Nikki and she was just bawling because she couldn't get through to her sister like she could in the past. All I could tell her is "I know, I know".

I just don't know what more I can handle but I have put it into God's hands to work it out somehow. I do hope that she will call us or come home soon.


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