
Friday, October 07, 2005

I talked to Nikki last night

She wants to come home but not if Lexie is here. She is soooo mad/furious with Lexie that she won't even come home to be with her boys and that's gotta change. I WILL have Nikki home here with her boys even if that means that Lexie has to not come around for a little bit. I really hate to do that to Lexie but I need to think about these three boys first and foremost and they need their mommy with them (especially since she has been here for them since we got them almost 2 years ago). I told Nikki that she needs to deal with Lexie and figure things out between the two of them because I'm not going to see these boys hurt like this again. George and I agree on one thing in particular--if Nikki does this again, that will be it for her with us. These boys have been hurt too many times--by being taken two times for Jason and TJ, once for Alex, daddy being deployed, and now mommy doing this, so we won't play the games anymore with Nikki. Either she will be here with them or not--we are not going to have the boys on an emotional rollercoaster anymore. We can deal with the fact of her never coming back if we have to but this guess and by golly stuff is NOT going to happen.

Nikki is upset with Lexie for a lot of things and that might be but that doesn't give her the right to leave her kids. I think Nikki thinks that she is going to come home with all theses ultimatums for us but she is sadly mistaken. Let me rephrase that--there are some things that we will change but there are also things that she will do when she comes back that she wasn't before she left.

When Brian comes back, I don't know how everything will work out but we will have to do something other than be in this little apartment--3 bedroom for 7 of us gets a little small at times. At one time, Brian and George were talking about us all getting a house together so that Brian and Nikki can be with their boys all the time but I don't know how that will play out now. Brian and Nikki need to really deal with all the bad stuff in their marriage when he gets back and then decide if they will stay together or not. Hopefully they will stay together but that is for them to decide.

Well that's about it for now but I'm sure that I will have some later.


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