
Thursday, October 06, 2005

Today is Alex's 2nd birthday

We still haven't received a call from Nikki about seeing him for his b-day and I don't know if we well let her either. Brian did call to talk to him even though he didn't have much time and was being told to get off the phone--he wasn't on the normal phones but on the timed ones. It's pretty sad that daddy being half way around the world can call him but mom, who is in the same town, can't even muster a phone call. I know that the day isn't over yet but come on, she knows what today is.

Anyways other than the trouble with Nikki, things are going ok. The boys are being pretty good considering everything that is going on. We are trying to potty train TJ now and hopefully we can but I'm not holding my breath. He has woken up dry the last few mornings or rather kinda dry and so we are going to start the process. Angel has put some "big boy" undies on him today so we will take him up to the potty every 1/2 hr or so to get him to start learning the idea of potty training. It will be very nice when TJ gets potty trained so that we will cut down on the amount of diapers to buy and also we can start soon to get Alex potty trained. TJ will turn 4 on November 19th so it is time for him to be trained.

Angel has been a godsend to me and I am soooo glad that I have her home with me otherwise I don't know what I would have done if she was in Eagle Rock, and not being homeschooled, when Nikki left. Angel has also had to put up with a lot from all of this and I am eternaly greatful to her for stepping up even more and helping me with the boys. Lexie has been staying with us these last few days to help also, she didn't have to, but she loves these boys with all her heart and would do ANYTHING for them.

I am going to close this post because I'm just getting too mad/sad/upset/depressed whatever you want to put in there to think about all this right now. I'm going to go spend time with my boys--hug them, squeeze them, and play with them. I love these guys sooooo much that I couldn't love them any more if they were my actual children.


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