
Wednesday, October 05, 2005

More news about stuff with Nicole

Ok so after all that above, the officer did call back yesterday morning to see if she had contacted us, which she had, then he went over to see her and her friends to make sure that nothing bad (or illegal) was happening there. He did make the two guys that she calls friends aware that she was bipolar and on meds for it and if she doesn't take them, its not going to be pretty. They had no idea about this. Get this the one is on probation and so really doesn't want to have any trouble b/c his probation officer will be called. The officer talked to some of the neighbors and found out she was definately staying there and that everything seemed to be fine--no funny business going on or anything (thank you). He also talked to Nicole and asked if she wanted to come home b/c he would give her a ride home but she didn't at that time so he left her there. The officer had called me while waiting for the two guys to come back from getting a big screen tv and after talking to Nicole to let me know what was going on. I did thank him for all his help with this situation. After all of this, Nicole called me very upset with Lexie and was yelling at me but I put a stop to that and told her to talk to Lexie and not me b/c I didn't do any of this, I gave Lexie the phone and she tried to talk to her but somehow Nikki's cell phone went wacky or something and so they didn't really talk.

If all this wasn't enough, last night when my dh was driving home from work, he got run off the road in an underpass--the passengers mirror was shattered and he hit the wall--so when he got home, we called the police b/c his life had been threatened the night before by one of the guys Nikki is staying with. The guy had said to Lexie on the phone the night before that if my dh didn't back off and leave Nikki alone then he would get his dad and cousin after him and c*t his h**d off. Lexie was shakin up (as was I) after hearing that and so when dh got home and told us, she immediately called and had an officer come over. Dh took him outside to see the van and he took the report but since there wasn't any paint, he couldn't do much but at least its on record.

I ask that you keep us in your prayers that we can get this resolved quickly and that Nikki will decide what she wants--either to be with her kids or be with those so called friends. I forgot to tell you that her dh (my sil) called yest morning--after reading my email--and I gave him a friends cell phone # to try to get ahold of her. When my dh talked to Nikki last night, she said that she did talk to Brian and kinda was like she was going to "string him along" in a way and dh told her No she won't. We (dh and I) have known Brian (sil) for 14 years and love him dearly also. Brian was our roommate before we even had contact with the girls so there is a history there that won't be broken either.

If you are still reading this, I want to really thank you because this is long and complicated but I needed to get it all out.


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