
Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Oh man things with Nikki are just getting more

complex as it progresses. Lexie ended up calling the police about the situation with Nikki. We had an officer come out and talk to us last night. He couldn't do anything about her leaving (which I already knew) because she is 22 years old and a legal adult. He also did tell us that if she hadn't contacted us by 11 am this morning, then he would go and check out where she was staying to make sure she was ok and not in harms way. Apparently though the officer knew this apartment and the two guys Nikki is with because of being called there before about complaints from/for other things.

I also got a call from Brian this morning and he is trying to contact her to talk to her. He left a message on her cell phone but is trying to get to her through Connie and Tasha Mardhyl since Tasha used to live where Nikki is now. George talked to Connie at Wal-Mart last night and she had him call Tasha--man was she upset with Nikki and the others. Tasha is going to look into this situation and do what she can to help it.

I am just at a loss for what to do and how to feel because it has hurt me so bad with all of this. Lexie is so furious now because of everyone involved and being hurt, I am getting hurt the very worst. It really means a lot to me that Lexie feels that way about me. She has been hurt with everything with Nikki but she sees that I am being hurt worse than her. Before Lexie never would have seen that.

I have been and will continue to pray for my sweet little boys to not be too hurt, affected, etc by all of this. They have been so hurt already from being taken from mom and dad by health and welfare before not once but twice for Jason and TJ and once for Alex, that they have had to deal with a lot for being 5, 3, and 2. I just don't want them to grow up and have been tramatized by all of this drama. I will never, ever forgive Nicole for doing this to them.


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