
Monday, October 10, 2005

Yippee Nikki came home last night

Well I finally got Nikki to come home last night at around midnight--I went and picked her up at Julians house. She came home, put her stuff up, and then was going to go straight to bed but we convinced her to come down and spend a few minutes with her sons before we all went to bed. Yes I know that the boys were up very late but when she was coming home for sure last night, I let them stay up to see mommy. I am very happy that she came home and I think she is glad to be home. We will work on our relationship again and to begin the process George is going to take her out this Thursday night Oct. 13th for some daddy/daughter time. He wants to take that special time with her to go somewhere to talk or just drive around but most importantly to spend that time together just the two of them. I hope this will start the process of healing with everyone.

Nikki was adament that Lexie not be around so I did agree to that for now. I know that Lexie was a lot of help this past week while Nikki was gone, but I just can't be having her start things with Nikki to make her leave again. I hope that we can convince Nikki that we are on her side with most things with Lexie--Lexie does like to try to stir things up at times. We are not going to let her worm her way back in just to start crap again with Nikki or with us. We are wise to Lexie's ways (well her dad is now, I always have been) and won't let her mess things up again.

I have wanted George to take Nikki out for that special time for a long time and I'm sad that it took her leaving to get it through his skull but at least he is going to try to do better. I think that if he can get her talking to him, then they will have a better relationship. She has been very jealous of the relationship that Lexie has had with him but its just because Lexie is more outgoing/outspoken and will tell George off when Nikki won't. George very much at one time did put Lexie before the rest of us (when he was hanging out a lot with Scott) but since Lexie moved out to Scott's house, he has really seen and understood what she was doing. He has really seen her deceitfulness also and he knew what I was telling him was correct and everything wasn't all my fault. Anyways that's a whole different story for another post or two but not one that I really want to get into right now--hehehe.

I am just glad that we have her back and we will make it better here for all of us. If we are all willing to listen to each other and do our parts then everything will be better.


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