
Thursday, November 24, 2005


I am having a pretty good day today and have lots of things to be thankful for. Most importantly I am glad and thankful for still being alive when 3 wks ago I almost lost my life. I am thankful that my family is here with me today--well my brothers are not but one is at his house and one came up to my parents house with his family from Utah. Angel and I will go out to see them later tonight. (the one at my parents house that is)

I am not doing dinner this year but I did have to get the stuffing all ready to stuff in the birds. Yes I said birds--we bought one, was given one by Fox Hollow school (they had extra dinners and asked if we wanted one), and then got one when someone put two boxes of food for Thanksgiving on our doorstep and ran last night. We are saving one for Christmas though and we will do a ham with it for dinner then. We are having homemade mashed potatoes, salad, rolls, corn, and whatever else we think of. We have pumpkin, cherry, and apple pies for desert. We also have carrots (for me), chips and dip, crackers, etc.. My son-in-law, Brian, is also making cheesecakes--he is doing one with Splenda just for me so I can have some (I'm diabetic).

I am getting tired so I am going to go have a nap before dinner or at least rest b/c yesterday I tried to take a nap and ended up just laying there for 1 hour then got up.


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