
Saturday, October 29, 2005


Brian came home at 3:30 pm today and he truly surprised Nikki to death. I kinda knew that he was coming back but didn't say anything to Nikki. I knew because one of his Sgt. had told his wife, then she told George, and he told me. Brian was a little disappointed that he couldn't surprise all of us but the most important ones were surprised--Nikki, Jason, and Thomas. We left Jason and Thomas with a neighbor of ours named Lynn. Alex really doesn't know Brian that well but that's OK. Nikki, Angel, Alex, and myself went to get Brian. He was one of five soldiers that came in at that time today. A couple of the news stations were there also. One of the soldiers that came home was, I do believe, an Idaho State Patrolman and I say that because there was about 5-6 state patrolmen in the little crowd at the airport and then we watched as one of them, after seeing his family, went over, shook all their hands, and hugged most of them. That was sooooo cool seeing the servicemen coming in and hearing the applause but mostly watching the reunions with them and their families. Since Brian was trying to surprise us all, he had his hat on, shades, and hot jacket (to cover up the name tag) so we wouldn't recognize him. He had to dart to the restroom first and then the lady that was organizing all of the things brought him over to us and you could almost hear a pin drop when he hugged us and then applause.

I got to hug him first but didn't mean to be the first (I was going to be the last but Nikki was in shock so I got to him first). After we got his stuff, we came home and got Jason and Thomas from Lynn's but not until Brian was able to get his stuff inside and was waiting for them to run in the house so he could surprise them. We took him to Leo's for dinner so that George could see him and while we were there, we saw several people that wanted to see him and tell him "Thank you for serving over there".

So far so good but he's just been here for a few hours. I am hoping that everything will go smoothly now and that Nikki will be better. Only time will tell on these subjects but I will keep posting updates.


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