
Friday, December 23, 2005

We have been so very, very blessed again this year

for Christmas at our house. Last year we got "sponsored" by the County and then this year we were "sponsored" by the Learning Center. They brought over presents for each of us along with the fixin's for dinner--turkey, stuffing, potatoes, etc. We knew about this but then last night we had Santa visit us along with bags of goodies for each of us along with fixin's for dinner and breakfast--we got a gal. of milk and orange juice, eggs, bacon, and a loaf of white bread. We were completely blown away with this surprise but feel very blessed with everything this year.

I am finally feeling pretty much up to par from being as sick as I was for the month of November. I have a new zest for life now and am enjoying my family much more. I have learned new ways (still learning I should say) to handle the stress in my life so that I don't end up in the hospital again and also how to stay healthier. The Byetta shot that I am on, along with the pills, is really helping me to not eat as much and to eat healthy things. It is a struggle every day but I am learning how to better than before. I will struggle with how I eat, the amount, and etc. for the rest of my life I am sure just because I didn't get this way overnight.


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