
Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!!

I am posting late as usual but that is ok. We had a very nice day today. The kids got us up at 8 am to open presents. The boys and Angel got so spoiled by the Learning Center and the secret Santa and I'm so glad because we couldn't get much for them. I would really like to instill in them the true meaning of Christmas and not have them want everything that they see at this time of year. We have been trying to do that but it is so hard these days to get them to adhere to that but hopefully in some small way, they will come to know it and put it to use in their lives.

I had a nice day with my family and even got a nap in tonight b/c I wasn't feeling very well and then ended up having Alex come be put in bed with me so he wouldn't be disturbed by his brothers. Shortly after I woke up and came downstairs, he woke up so Angel brought him down here for him to sleep next to me on the couch. He didn't sleep for to much longer down here but we are going back up to bed here in a few minutes so we can be up in the morning with the older two boys.

I'm off for now so I can get to bed.


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