
Friday, March 10, 2006

Well I have kinda fallen off the wagon--WW

I have gained all my weight that I lost back but its just my own stupid fault because I haven't been watching at all but I really am committed to doing this now. I just made the decision for myself. I'm getting depressed kinda again b/c I just don't get the time for me anymore but I'm not going to let that stop me. I'm also not going to get so down that I attack friends again because that's not the thing to do.

I haven't talked to Darla for quite a while but that's just because we have both been really busy and haven't had the time. I sure do miss the closeness that we had at one time.

I talk to Charm more now and go to WW on Thursday nights with her but she is busy also--they just bought a new house that they are getting fixed up. They won't be able to move in until maybe late summer/early fall. I just know that it will look wonderful when it gets done.

Well that's all for now but I might put more later.


  • At 9:42 AM, Blogger crazydarla said…

    So glad you got back on!! I was watching and checking for your posts daily!



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