
Saturday, February 11, 2006

Well I gained back 3 lbs this week

But Monica (lady with Weight Watchers) said that its to be expected after losing so much weight the week before. I know that the dinner that George and I had Wed. night didn't help matters any either but oh well b/c it was a celebration so that's ok. I will be back on track this next week and will exercise more so I don't keep gaining the weight. I am so determined to lose my weight and I know this time with WW, I will be able to do it.

George brought me home a rose after work last night for our anniversary. We got to spend most of the day together b/c he didn't go into work until 4 pm but I did have to take Angel to Jason's school to help in his class but just for a half hour. She is going to go help on Wed. and Jason is so excited to have her come. She will help with the "Centers" in the room--helping make things and such.


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