
Thursday, February 23, 2006

Ok I did make it back to WW tonight since I wasn't able to go last week

I only gained .4 oz in these last two weeks so I do feel good about that but now in this week, Charm and I are having a little race to see who can lose the most weight. I haven't been being as good as I should have these last two weeks but I will this week. I have just got to lose the weight not only to look nice for myself first but for my dh--so he can really "show off" his wife, hehehe. I do want to do it for myself the utmost because it will help with my health, my diabetes, and just give me more energy to deal with the grandsons. I also need to be here for my dd, Angel, as she has done so much for me. The last person I am doing this for persay is my dh, George, b/c he does love me now but he really wants me to do it for me and for my health.

Now onto other things. I really need to start my parents scrapbook about what they mean to me that I am doing for their 43rd anniversary (on Feb. 2nd). I know, I know that I am really late with it but I did tell my mom what I was doing and now she just can't wait until I can get it done. I am going to try to at least start on it tomorrow and hopefully finish it so that I can take it to them this weekend but I won't hold my breath. I might just be able to do it though since Becca and Matt are coming over to stay the night tomorrow night and then there will be extra help with the boys so that maybe I can get a lot done on it. We will just have to wait and see.

Well its off for me now so that I can eat and then we can get baths done to get kids to bed.


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