Yes I'm finally, finally posting on my blog
I have finally posted on my blog after so long. I have just been so busy with kids in school, housework, summer vacation, and such that I have really really neglected my blog. Well to kinda update as much as I can:
Jason graduated from the Learning Center and is just having a wonderful time this summer. He gets to go outside almost every day and play until just after dark because there are so many kids around here in the apartments that there is always something going on. All the kids get together and play "night games" and just have the best time together. There are the fair share of fights just because they are together so much but for the most part, they all really get along. Jason will be going into 1st grade next year and that will be fun.
Thomas (TJ) goes to the Learning Center from 10am-4pm M-F and has a wonderful time there. After he gets home, he gets to go out and play here with the kids (well most days he does) but occasionally he gets grounded and doesn't get to play here when he gets home. He is doing so good.
Alex is doing wonderful and is almost always a blessing to have around--what can I say with him being 2 1/2 yrs old though. hehehe He can just tick me off to no end and turn around and do something so cute and innocent that its hard to stay mad at him for too long. This little man can throw some major fits though when he wants to. A few weeks ago, he had a little accident but he is doing fine now. I can't wait until after Oct. 6th because Alex will start pre-school and then it will be even quieter her during the day.
Angel is doing good also and she is my right hand "man" persay with everything around the house and with the boys--she can whip all three of them into shape when need be and she can also have the best time with all three. We are so looking forward to her starting school in the fall--homeschooling again of course. She can be very obstinate when she wants to be and we can "come to blows" about things sometimes but all in all she is a very big help to me and I don't know what I would do without her. She is my best friend.
George is doing fine also although he is still working his little "tushy" off at work and is never really home or if he is, he is usually sleeping and won't get up and help us do anything. I can't say as I blame him but there are a few things that Angel and I just can't do and need his help with so it gets frustrating trying to get him to help.
Me--well I'm doing ok. I have just come to realize something within the last few weeks that I wish I would have several months ago so that I could have saved myself and one of my best friends a lot of heart ache (you know who you are)--I have been depressed a little in my life within these last few years (for many different reasons) but more so than depressed, I have been very frustrated with the circumstances. By frustrated I mean that I see the whole big picture (whole house needs cleaned, errands need to be done, kids not cooperating, etc.) and think that I need to do everything all in one day (house), work with each child on different things and there not being enough time, can't leave kids at home and have things keep going at home while I am doing errands or having to take them with me so I don't hear the whinning. My husband tells me to just take one thing at a time but when I try, I see this and this that need to be done to be able to finish this or that so I get frustrated. It also doesn't help when I do take one thing at a time like he suggests then he gets mad because something else wasn't done that he wanted so I end up getting mad and even more frustrated. George gets me very irrated at times because he thinks things can just be done "like that" and I can't just focus on one thing because I have 4 kids to deal with all day long along with trying to get things done.
I am trying to see one thing at a time but am having a hard time because its a new thing to me but I will try my best. I will let you all know how I do with this.
Well that's all for now. If my friend checks my blog like she says she does then would she please post on here so I know for sure that someone does actually read this blog. hehehehe
Jason graduated from the Learning Center and is just having a wonderful time this summer. He gets to go outside almost every day and play until just after dark because there are so many kids around here in the apartments that there is always something going on. All the kids get together and play "night games" and just have the best time together. There are the fair share of fights just because they are together so much but for the most part, they all really get along. Jason will be going into 1st grade next year and that will be fun.
Thomas (TJ) goes to the Learning Center from 10am-4pm M-F and has a wonderful time there. After he gets home, he gets to go out and play here with the kids (well most days he does) but occasionally he gets grounded and doesn't get to play here when he gets home. He is doing so good.
Alex is doing wonderful and is almost always a blessing to have around--what can I say with him being 2 1/2 yrs old though. hehehe He can just tick me off to no end and turn around and do something so cute and innocent that its hard to stay mad at him for too long. This little man can throw some major fits though when he wants to. A few weeks ago, he had a little accident but he is doing fine now. I can't wait until after Oct. 6th because Alex will start pre-school and then it will be even quieter her during the day.
Angel is doing good also and she is my right hand "man" persay with everything around the house and with the boys--she can whip all three of them into shape when need be and she can also have the best time with all three. We are so looking forward to her starting school in the fall--homeschooling again of course. She can be very obstinate when she wants to be and we can "come to blows" about things sometimes but all in all she is a very big help to me and I don't know what I would do without her. She is my best friend.
George is doing fine also although he is still working his little "tushy" off at work and is never really home or if he is, he is usually sleeping and won't get up and help us do anything. I can't say as I blame him but there are a few things that Angel and I just can't do and need his help with so it gets frustrating trying to get him to help.
Me--well I'm doing ok. I have just come to realize something within the last few weeks that I wish I would have several months ago so that I could have saved myself and one of my best friends a lot of heart ache (you know who you are)--I have been depressed a little in my life within these last few years (for many different reasons) but more so than depressed, I have been very frustrated with the circumstances. By frustrated I mean that I see the whole big picture (whole house needs cleaned, errands need to be done, kids not cooperating, etc.) and think that I need to do everything all in one day (house), work with each child on different things and there not being enough time, can't leave kids at home and have things keep going at home while I am doing errands or having to take them with me so I don't hear the whinning. My husband tells me to just take one thing at a time but when I try, I see this and this that need to be done to be able to finish this or that so I get frustrated. It also doesn't help when I do take one thing at a time like he suggests then he gets mad because something else wasn't done that he wanted so I end up getting mad and even more frustrated. George gets me very irrated at times because he thinks things can just be done "like that" and I can't just focus on one thing because I have 4 kids to deal with all day long along with trying to get things done.
I am trying to see one thing at a time but am having a hard time because its a new thing to me but I will try my best. I will let you all know how I do with this.
Well that's all for now. If my friend checks my blog like she says she does then would she please post on here so I know for sure that someone does actually read this blog. hehehehe
At 12:17 AM,
crazydarla said…
YOU BLOGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See, I told ya I checked everyday! I checked earlier after hassling you too but you hadn't posted yet so NEENER NEENER! :oP
Had a great visit today, wish I could have stayed longer, got a kick out of the kids playing and lil' Alex going crazy over his train movie! LOL Cutie bug! (miss those curls though! :( he is growing up on us! ) We will have to do lunch soon!!
I think you have made some good choices in slowing down and taking a look at the big picture... sometimes if you try to take it ALL in at once it will EAT YOU UP but if you look at it, then take it apart and go one step at a time, it is managable. Almost like doing a puzzle... if you dump all 1000 peices out in a jumble it is overwhelming, if you leave the pieces in teh box and seek out the framework first, the all of one color, get the metaphor I am sure!!??
Hugs to you for getting things worked out and plucking along, you have a very full plate and I know you do as best you can. That is all anyone expects! Remember to take care of YOU too... you can't give anything to Angel, George or the boys if you aren't taken care of first!
Keep in touch! Darla
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