Man am I a stuffed grandma now. Angel cooked everything this year and not because she had to but because she wanted to. She started last night with cooking the cheesecakes, pumpkin pie, and then doing the two salads--pasta and jello. She just had to do the stuffing, potatoes, and the turkey today. I got to do the cheese plate with the baby carrots, celery with peanut butter, and the ritz crackers today. I also had to cut the celery and onions for the stuffing.
We had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, jello salad, pasta w/tuna salad, rolls, celery w/peanut butter, cheese, baby carrots w/ranch, green bean cassarole and then for desert--pumpkin pie (homemade) and two different kinds of cheesecake. We did two turkeys because we had Brian and Nikki here and Brian did his in the oven but we did ours in our roaster oven like last year and man does it make it sooooooo yummy and comes just right off of the bones. The only thing that I miss not doing ours in the oven is the stuffing because it just doesn't come out the same in the crock-pot as putting it in the turkey. But all-in-all we had a nice day.
I miss not being able to be with my parents on Thanksgiving. Since we got the boys three years ago, its just too noisy for my parents and so we don't get together as much anymore. They went to my brother Rod's house this year because its just him and his girlfriend and no little ones. My brother just moved up here the beginning of the year and we haven't really been around him in past years because he has always lived sooo far away so they went to spend the day with him. I wish that I could have seen him today also but I at least called him to tell him "Happy Thanksgiving".
Anyways I wish everyone had a wonderful day and a good start to the holiday season.
We had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, jello salad, pasta w/tuna salad, rolls, celery w/peanut butter, cheese, baby carrots w/ranch, green bean cassarole and then for desert--pumpkin pie (homemade) and two different kinds of cheesecake. We did two turkeys because we had Brian and Nikki here and Brian did his in the oven but we did ours in our roaster oven like last year and man does it make it sooooooo yummy and comes just right off of the bones. The only thing that I miss not doing ours in the oven is the stuffing because it just doesn't come out the same in the crock-pot as putting it in the turkey. But all-in-all we had a nice day.
I miss not being able to be with my parents on Thanksgiving. Since we got the boys three years ago, its just too noisy for my parents and so we don't get together as much anymore. They went to my brother Rod's house this year because its just him and his girlfriend and no little ones. My brother just moved up here the beginning of the year and we haven't really been around him in past years because he has always lived sooo far away so they went to spend the day with him. I wish that I could have seen him today also but I at least called him to tell him "Happy Thanksgiving".
Anyways I wish everyone had a wonderful day and a good start to the holiday season.
At 8:33 PM,
crazydarla said…
Sounds like a nice time for you all. Glad things went smoothly and WOW!!! to Angel for cooking all that food! What a girl! You are lucky.
Sorry to hear about Alex' chin, hope he is feeling better now. Poor lil' bug. :O(
Things here are good. Will have to catch up with you soon! Darla
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