
Monday, December 11, 2006

Man its been awhile since I blogged!!!

I just don't get on the computer like I used to do because I am busy doing housework, helping/keeping Angel going on her homeschooling, taking care of Alex, and taking care of things at school and/or the Learning Center for Jason and Thomas. I do miss being on here some days but its ok if I'm not.

I sure do wish that I could start scrapbooking again but with Alex its impossible--he doesn't leave anything alone. I was so sure that he would be starting pre-school this year but he didn't qualify for the developmental pre-school that Jason went to and TJ goes to so that foiled that idea. I am very proud of the fact that he didn't need it but was just looking forward to that time to get things done. hehehe

Well we don't have much for christmas this year but we do have each other and that amounts to alot. I just wish that we could spoil the kids to a point but we just don't have the money to do so.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Man am I a stuffed grandma now. Angel cooked everything this year and not because she had to but because she wanted to. She started last night with cooking the cheesecakes, pumpkin pie, and then doing the two salads--pasta and jello. She just had to do the stuffing, potatoes, and the turkey today. I got to do the cheese plate with the baby carrots, celery with peanut butter, and the ritz crackers today. I also had to cut the celery and onions for the stuffing.

We had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, jello salad, pasta w/tuna salad, rolls, celery w/peanut butter, cheese, baby carrots w/ranch, green bean cassarole and then for desert--pumpkin pie (homemade) and two different kinds of cheesecake. We did two turkeys because we had Brian and Nikki here and Brian did his in the oven but we did ours in our roaster oven like last year and man does it make it sooooooo yummy and comes just right off of the bones. The only thing that I miss not doing ours in the oven is the stuffing because it just doesn't come out the same in the crock-pot as putting it in the turkey. But all-in-all we had a nice day.

I miss not being able to be with my parents on Thanksgiving. Since we got the boys three years ago, its just too noisy for my parents and so we don't get together as much anymore. They went to my brother Rod's house this year because its just him and his girlfriend and no little ones. My brother just moved up here the beginning of the year and we haven't really been around him in past years because he has always lived sooo far away so they went to spend the day with him. I wish that I could have seen him today also but I at least called him to tell him "Happy Thanksgiving".

Anyways I wish everyone had a wonderful day and a good start to the holiday season.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Woo Hoo--I'm starting to get my sugars under control

They aren't there yet but I am doing most of what I have to in order to get them down. I was started on just a little insulin (at bedtime) to help and hopefully that will be just what I need. I do feel better when they are down more where they need to be but I have had such a bad time of getting them under control. I am still on the Byetta pen and it does take some getting used to stretching the food (or slower eating, whichever you want to say it) so that I don't get the really, really sick feeling with it.

I went to my cardiologist, Dr. Gorman, last week for a check-up and got basically a clean bill of health. I thought that it would be a good idea since I hadn't been for 1 1/2 to 2 years. I really should have been in there right after I got out of the hospital last year but.......well........I know, I know bad girl, bad girl.

Ok now onto my grandkids--poor little Alex, he fell last Friday and cut his chin open requiring 3 stitches. Besides that, he had a rash on his private area and got his flu shot while we were there. I felt so sorry for this little guy. He just cried and cried and made Aunt Angel and grandma just cry with him. We go tomorrow to get his stitches out and I can't wait because he's driving us crazy. He has hit them a few times and just cries sooooo hard afterwards. All we can do is to just love on him.

We take Thomas "TJ" in to get his 5 year old shots tomorrow also. Man I just can't believe that he is 5 already. On his birthday we just kinda stayed around the house mostly but did go to the store and got stuff for his cake and dinner then came home and Angel did his cake. Brian and Nikki came to the store with us and were here for dinner.

We just got Jason's school pictures back today and they are just wonderful. Thomas' were also. Jason just has a photogenic smile and presence about him that he just amazes me sometimes. He acts like he's much older than he really is.

I will be busy tonight and tomorrow getting the house clean and things done for turkey day on Thursday. We are doing it here at our house with Brian and Nikki. Brian is going to cook a turkey also and do a green been casserole.

Well to everyone I wish a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Had a doctor's appt today

And I'm proud to say that I am doing good. The appt. was with Helena, the PA at Dr. Liljenquists' office (the diabetic doctor). I have had a cough for a little over a week and had a scratchy throat with the stuffies (which I'm over) so Helena sent me over for a chest xray (she also heard a little crackling in my left lower lung) but everything was just fine and I didn't need--as of right now--the antibiotics that she wrote a prescription for me today at the office. She wanted to make sure that I didn't have the starts of pneumonia and so did I.

I haven't been able to get adjusted to my Byetta pen (10 mcg) as well as I was with the 5 mcg because I get really pucky sick after about 30 minutes to an hour after I eat. Helena gave me some suggestions as to how to combat that and I am willing to try anything. She told me to try to just take 5-6 bites and then eat again in about 3 hours. This will be an adjustment for me but like I said--I'm willing to try anything at this point.

I am trying to watch what I eat also and am trying to get the exercise that I need. It's always a constant battle with me but hopefully soon I will get it all figured out.

Well off for now cause its just Alex and I downstairs and he will try to escape if I'm not paying close attention. The story of my life. hehehehe

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ok so its been almost a month since I blogged!! SORRY

Well its been a busy time here of late. First we had Halloween to prepare for (to get costumes all put together), second figuring out who all was taking the boys trick or treating (Angel and I for sure but who else), and third getting the boys all bundled up because it was C-O-L-D COLD last night. We got their new coats off of layaway so they were warm enough.

Brian had taken some vacation time now and thought he had it all worked out to have Halloween night off so he could help take the boys trick or treating but come to find out late yesterday that he didn't and had to work at midnight last night so he had to be in bed at 630 pm to go to work. That just made me so mad because I was counting on him helping with the boys. I never thought that Nikki would want to come help so I called Lexie for some more help (she never got back to me) and then Nikki came and helped take them and we all had an enjoyable time. She walked all the way with them and had a lot of fun. We didn't have to take them to a lot of houses and they got about half a bag of candy which is more than enough for my three little ones. We went over to Leo's Place (grandpas work) and had dinner after getting the candy. The kids had so much fun there also but most importantly is that it was a fun time for all of us last night and really no fits from anyone. It really was nice to have Nikki along and to be so helpful with the boys since she isn't very much anymore.

Anyways that's all from me right now because I am soooooo tired that I can hardly stay awake so I think that I am going to go up to bed soon. I never get to go to bed early and I think that I will definately take advantage of this time.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I'm having a really, really bad day today!!

Well I'm being really bitchy today and getting mad about little things. I guess that I am frustrated also because NO ONE listens to me about anything--ie. kids, husband, etc. I really hate the feeling also that I can't go anywhere without having to take kids. What makes kids feel that they have to go EVERYWHERE with me?! No more because from now on if I want to go somewhere by myself I WILL DO IT!!!!!!!

I guess that since I don't get much adult conversation anymore that it has made me a little bitchy. Don't get me wrong, Angel is 15 now so it's not as though I don't have "adult conversation" but it's that I want the adult conversation with my husband because we have little to no time together as it is but NO--NONE time for just us. We can't even go out to dinner by ourselves without a guilt trip put on us. Angel does do wonderful with the kids and it is quite a task for her to have all three kids by herself but George and I do deserve a little bit of time by ourselves. There is NO WAY we will leave the kids with Nikki and Brian and it's not due to Brian but we will not have them in harms way when Nikki goes off the handle because one of them does something wrong. Nikki is getting really bad now and who knows what she might say or do to them. She is even worse than when she lived with us. I just can't write enough to explain how bad she has become. Let's just put it this way--she is not really welcome over here most of the time because she will come start stuff with us when we haven't even done anything. She doesn't come over to see her kids and that is "our fault" and things like that. She will come over here and bitch at us for something and because we don't go running after her to make sure she is ok, she says that we don't care and never have. She is just a bitch!!!!

Anyways enough about her because it just makes me more mad to think about everything. Well I will post later because I need to get out of here before I explode.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Ok the straw that broke the camels back

Yesterday was Alex's birthday (he turned 3 yrs old) and Nikki couldn't possibly come to his party because of something Lexie had supposedly said. Lexie hasn't said anything to her to warrant this behavior but oh wait--its just Nikki being a BITCH. The only thing that we can figure was that Lexie asked her to go with her to buy her a pack of smokes (Lexie had the money but her ID was over at her friends house and she couldn't get it). Nikki, in one her "sessions", cut up her ID so she didn't have one to go do it. She had lost an ID, went and got herself a new one, and then found the old one. She cut one up and then didn't remember so she cut her other one up. Nikki couldn't do it so Lexie asked Brian to go get them, he did and Nikki was mad, mad, mad. Lexie is 21 now so it wasn't like he was buying them for someone under age, she just couldn't get her ID from her friends house. Nikki is really getting bad and the kids are really seeing it coming out now. Sure they like to go over and see daddy and her but they know where home is and its NOT with them. (I should really say not with her b/c daddy sees them almost every day) Brian will come and give them kisses before he goes to work every day and then comes over almost every day he has off if he can or he will see them outside playing but he does make every effort to see them. This is actually two years in a row that she made up some stupid, piddily excuse NOT to come to his party.

I was going to do his party on Wednesday so that George (aka Grandpa) could be here but since Brian had to go to SLC to the VA hospital, I went ahead and made the party for on his actual birthday which was Friday. I was in a way thinking of Nikki also but not anymore. George has had it with her attitude and such so from now on, the parties will be done on our time so papa can be there and the hell with her--Brian does understand and he just spends as much time with them as he can. Since she couldn't come to Alex's party, she will not be aloud to come to the others' parties either. Brian has tried his hardest to get her to be something to these boys but he really is fighting a losing battle because if Nikki can't have it her way then she gets mad about things. Well it is her that will loose out on things and she just has her own self to blame.

Ok now on to much happier things in my life right now---WE'VE GOT A MINI-VAN AGAIN!! We got an '88 Ford Aerostar, the color is blue, its very nice inside, but the only thing we need to do for it soon is tires. I am soooo happy that now we have something big enough to carry all of us comfortably and to be able to have all the kids in their carseats. It gets really hard to have six people in a Pontiac Grand Prix with three of them having to be in carseats--it just was not comfy at all. We did do what we had to do to get around but now it will be nicer. George will drive the car and I will have the van. George really wanted to have the "new" vehicle this time (I usually am the one that gets them but I am also the one that transports kids all the time and so I need it) and we almost had one for him but the guy that we were going to buy a truck from just wouldn't get the truck ready and then his wife ended up having to drive it for a little bit so we found something that actually will be better on gas then a big truck. We will have a little elbow room now which is what we have needed for some time.

Well I better go now so that I can get some housework done and then I can play for a while before I have to make dinner.