
Friday, September 30, 2005

Man what a day!

I was so congested last night that I couldn't hardly breath but was able to take something for it and after sleeping I got up feeling better today. I also had a really bed sore throat but that has mostly gone away--I still have just a little bit today but nothing bad.

Lexie came over today and we (Nikki, Angel, Alex, and I) took her to do her errands along with doing our own and she was sooooo funny, she had us laughing our butts off. She was hanging her head out of the window and pretending she was a dog all the while saying HI to people passing in the opposite direction. She can be sooo funny some days and its a real joy to have her around. Both George and I think that she has come to the realization that we are not as bad as she once thought and she is starting to appreciate us more--well we can always hope anyways.

Well I'm off for now.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I'm an Aunt again--Briar had her baby boy today

I am so happy that she had her baby but from what Grandma Charm said, it was a very, very long process that started Tues. morning and ended at 3:11 this morning (Thurs). He was 8 lbs, 21.5" long, and had a head circ. of 14.5 (if I remember correctly from Charm). Charm will be over in Boise with Briar for about 3-4 weeks while she recoops from everything and gets used to having a baby 24/7. Charm has already been over with Briar for a week to a week and a half so she is really getting the help. I can't wait to see him but will have to for a while. I can't even remember the name nor could I pronounce it either. :)

Well on to the house--it is slowly getting done and I am greatful but its not Nikki and Angel helping the most but Lexie and she doesn't even live here anymore. I have to say though that Angel is getting a little better about doing stuff w/o much arguing but she still does have her moments. She actually does do pretty good when others are working also. I am bound and determined to get this house looking really spiffy if it "kills" me. j/k but I will get it done some how some way.

I am going for now so I can get some housework done and try to relax some today.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Holy Moly--Why can't I motivate my kids

to do anything. I try to give them incentives to help get stuff done in the house but to no avail. I am just going to have to work through my tiredness and such and just do stuff myself. If they want something, boy are they up an at it. I don't want to complain too much because they do help when they will get up and do things but I just can't keep them motivated to get everything done in the house. I might try to do as my good friend, DarlaLULU, does and stay up at night to get some things done but I am not in any way going to do everything.

My dh, George, doesn't need to work the long hours he does and come home to the house looking like it does right now. A lot of the reason that he doesn't see it all done up as much also is that we get it all done and then the boys come home from school and The Learning Center and it just gets trashed so by the time he comes home from work, its all trashed again. I am trying to have the girls and I do a 5 minute quick pick up before we go up for baths and bed but sometimes it just doesn't happen.

I so feel a lot of times that I'm a failure as a wife because I should be able to keep my house clean for him but just can't. I also feel sometimes like I can't handle taking care of my grandsons all the time but I just can't imagine my life without them. I do love them all so very much but they get a little hard to handle sometimes. Am I wrong to feel that way? I guess that its not wrong because it is my own feelings and no one can tell me how to feel but I feel bad.

Ok enough of my boobing. I wish that some of the ladies that have been banned from CKMB could come back and that the "banning" of people on there would be fair. I guess that life isn't fair so why should the mb be. :( I do have to say that I do miss seeing some of the ladies on the mb--Shar, Kip, etc.--and there are others but just can't think right now. At least we can go to their blogs and say "Howdy" and that makes it a little better.

Well I think that's all for today.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Good Morning--I don't want to clean

but we have to get going seriously on this house. We have put it off for FAR, FAR too long and I am ashamed of that but I think that I am motivated enough to really get some stuff done today. The weather isn't nice at all today. It was raining last night and its really yucky looking today still. I think that its supposed to rain again today so its a good time to get the inside stuff done. My husband is getting really upset that we haven't gotten a lot of things done, and rightly so, since he works his butt off just to come home to a dirty, cluttered house. I am a stay-at-home mom with one daughter, Angel, that I am home-schooling, and a step-daughter, Nikki, that is living with us while her husband, Brian, is in Iraq with his Army National Guard Unit and you would think that we could keep the house up better. Well in our defense, somewhat, we do have three boys to contend with a lot of the time. The older two, Jason--goes to kindergarten, and Thomas (TJ)--goes to pre-school, are out of the house from the time they go to school until about 5-530 pm so we should be able to get things done but we do procrastinate a LOT.

After school Jason and TJ go to a place called The Learning Center--which they have a lot of fun at--and that is why they don't get home until after 5 pm. It is a place that helps to teach kids with learning disabilities mostly but there are other kids there also. Jason started out just not talking but has since made up for lost time--he mostly just didn't talk to well but now we can't get him to shut up. j/k I love to hear him talk. TJ has a developmental delay/learning disability--he will be 4 in Nov. and isn't talking as well as he should be. He didn't even start to talk until about a year and a half ago. We had him work with a speech therapist through the summer, until he started pre-school in Dec. and then after we found The Learning Center, he has been getting better. He's still not talking like he should be and its still hard to understand him at times but we can understand him most of the time.

We have Alex here with us all the time as he is just about 2 years old now, Oct. 6th he will be, and you would think that we could get lots done--well yeah we should be able to but like I said we ALL procrastinate too much and I am one of the biggest ones. I am trying to get better at that but its just so hard when you are tired all the time. I will go take naps during the afternoon because of being tired. I guess that if I could actually sleep all through the night without taking3-5 potty breaks, then I would get some good restfull sleep.

Well I think that I have sat here and "procrastinated" long enough this morning so I'm gonna "hop, hop" on outta here to get the girls a goin' on the house while I take a nap so that I can join them.

Friday, September 23, 2005

I'm having a lazy day today--well at least for a

little bit. I have to take Lexie to her counselors appt, Nikki to her chiro appt. and then come home and keep cleaning/re-organizing the house. We are making a lot of head-way on the house but when you have three little ones (5 and under), it does get hard to keep anything clean and done up. Oh well we will get it done somehow.

Well I'm off to go get ready.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

My first post on my new blog

I have seen others do them and have loved looking at them so I decided to do one of my own. I might just meet some other people to talk to.