
Thursday, December 29, 2005

I went to see Helena at Dr. Liljenquists office today

about the Byetta shot. I am doing good on it and she wants me to go up to the higher dose now of 10 micrograms. I have been on 5 micrograms since starting it in the hospital. I will probably experience some of the same symptoms going up as I did when I started it--nausea is the biggest part of it--but they go away within the first couple of days. I am still on all of the other meds and might just have to start some insulin also if I can't get my blood sugar to stay down where it needs to be.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!!

I am posting late as usual but that is ok. We had a very nice day today. The kids got us up at 8 am to open presents. The boys and Angel got so spoiled by the Learning Center and the secret Santa and I'm so glad because we couldn't get much for them. I would really like to instill in them the true meaning of Christmas and not have them want everything that they see at this time of year. We have been trying to do that but it is so hard these days to get them to adhere to that but hopefully in some small way, they will come to know it and put it to use in their lives.

I had a nice day with my family and even got a nap in tonight b/c I wasn't feeling very well and then ended up having Alex come be put in bed with me so he wouldn't be disturbed by his brothers. Shortly after I woke up and came downstairs, he woke up so Angel brought him down here for him to sleep next to me on the couch. He didn't sleep for to much longer down here but we are going back up to bed here in a few minutes so we can be up in the morning with the older two boys.

I'm off for now so I can get to bed.

Friday, December 23, 2005

We have been so very, very blessed again this year

for Christmas at our house. Last year we got "sponsored" by the County and then this year we were "sponsored" by the Learning Center. They brought over presents for each of us along with the fixin's for dinner--turkey, stuffing, potatoes, etc. We knew about this but then last night we had Santa visit us along with bags of goodies for each of us along with fixin's for dinner and breakfast--we got a gal. of milk and orange juice, eggs, bacon, and a loaf of white bread. We were completely blown away with this surprise but feel very blessed with everything this year.

I am finally feeling pretty much up to par from being as sick as I was for the month of November. I have a new zest for life now and am enjoying my family much more. I have learned new ways (still learning I should say) to handle the stress in my life so that I don't end up in the hospital again and also how to stay healthier. The Byetta shot that I am on, along with the pills, is really helping me to not eat as much and to eat healthy things. It is a struggle every day but I am learning how to better than before. I will struggle with how I eat, the amount, and etc. for the rest of my life I am sure just because I didn't get this way overnight.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

I am a little upset right now with an anonymous post

from an earlier post on here--from my apology to Darla. My dd, Angel, had posted a rather long message to everyone when she was really upset about me because I was in the hospital literally fighting for my life. She was very upset about all of the unkind posts to me and as such was letting everyone know how she felt. I asked her to check my blog and post for me since I couldn't with being in the hospital and having no access. What I would like to know from that poster is why you felt it necessary to "comment" to/about my dd like that? You didn't need to attack her. I don't have to explain anything to you about my family. Obviously you find it necessary to come check out my blog and look through the very old posts just to post an unkind comment. I feel sorry for you if that's all you have to do.

If you would like to post a comment to this post, I welcome it but I won't wait for it as I do have other things more important to me to do.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Things have been a little stressful lately around here

but we are dealing with it. The stress comes from trying to get Brian and Nikki moved into their apartment before too long. They do have a few things in there but 95 % is still out in storage. It will be nice when they get everything into their apartment so it will feel like a real home for them. Nikki does still have the room here for when she does stay overnight with the boys but that's not all the time anymore.

I am doing a lot better since being in the hospital but do have a little bit of a cold--I am watching it closely and won't let it get out of hand. I mostly have a cough but I know that it can turn into something worse. I did get my flu shot just recently so that does help also but its not a given thing that I won't get sick. I just really watch especially now.

We had a fun time at the Leo's Place Christmas Party last night. We had prime rib, baked potatoes, salad, rolls, and deserts galore--cheesecake, brownies, cookies, fudge, etc. I didn't have any deserts because I barely finished my dinner--well I actually had to bring half of my potatoe home. The kids got to go play in the toy and had unlimited tokens for the games in the game room. Poor Alex though because he was running to go by the kiddie rides and he looked back at us then ran right smack dab into the loader ride. Man we heard it clear from our seats up by the serving tables by the banquet rooms and the rides are down in front of the ice cream shop at the other end of the toy. Mommy was right there and picked him up but then George (grandpa aka papa) went down there and Alex went right to him. He had an indention in his forhead a little but was ok. We didn't let him go to sleep for several hours after that to make sure he was ok.

Angel has been busy putting lights up outside for Christmas and doing a wonderful job at it. She also had help from Jason to put up our Christmas tree on Saturday. George and I got some candy canes to put on there also. I am not going to buy anymore of the bulbs to put on the tree as then just break too easy and with these rambuncous three, it just doesn't make sense. We have so many decorations anyway that they aren't missed anyway. Today while the older boys are at school, I will have to wrap the presents to put them under the tree to keep little boys out from under it. hehehe I will also finish up my letter to put in my cards and get them ready to be mailed out tomorrow. I am not doing as many cards this year as I have in the past but that's ok because I don't have as much time this year and with being sick the entire month of November, I am a little behind. I usually would have them done and out by now.

Well that's all for today.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

We are doing pretty good right now

much to Lexie's dismay. She is just being a real winner right now--she got kicked out of her dead boyfriend's parents house (that she has been living at for 1 1/2-2 years) this past week and she blames it on me. Just too much drama for me to put here or even to want to put it all down here. Needless to say she is NOT allowed at our house again and she is just hurting herself because we just don't have the time for all of her crap.

Ok on to something nicer--we got the boys a couple of outfits each for Christmas but beyond that I don't have a clue. We are going to try to get just a few small things for each of the family but kinda spoil the kids. We are being sponsored again this year not by the County but by The Learning Center--where the kids go after school--for Christmas. They will get presents for the kids, Angel, George, and myself but mostly for the kids (which is the way it should be). I am so happy that we do have the help for Christmas but we really didn't count on it this year. Getting the most presents isn't what Christmas is about but being together as a family and we will do that for sure. We have a turkey for Christmas dinner and we will get a ham also so that we have enough food for all of us. I don't know if my parents will come over but hopefully they will. I bet though they will just bring the presents over and not stay too long--which that is ok because I know that they have other things to do.

I do miss spending the day with my parents but I do have my own little family to think about and take care of. I will always cherish those times with my parents and my brothers as I will with my husband and kids now.

I am getting my house all cleaned up, going through things, doing some deep cleaning, and just regular household chores. I do have some help but most of the things that have been done I have done myself. I am in the mood to clean so I am getting as much done as I can while I am in the mood because I don't do that very often. It is feeling really good to get this stuff done since its needed to be done for quite a while.

I have to get my Christmas cards done in the next few days so that I can get them sent off to get to the people by Christmas. I don't send out as many as I used to which is good.

Well that's all for now.