
Monday, January 30, 2006

Ok I've been tagged

I've been tagged by Darlalou so here goes:

Four jobs you've had in your life:
1. Maid
2. Counter/floor person
3. Cashier
4. Domestic engineer

Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. Everafter
2. Coyote Ugly
3. Footloose
4. Lizzie Maquire Movie

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. General Hospital
2. Dancing with the Stars
3. Real World/Road Rules Challenges--any of them
4. Ellen

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Colorado
2. Utah
3. Nevada
4. California

Four wesites you visit daily:
1. Creatingkeepsakes
2. My blog
3. Darla's blog
4. Yahoo

Four favorite foods:
1. Salad
2. Chinese
3. Steak and Lobster
4. Mac and Cheese

Four places you would rather be right now:
1. Anywhere tropical with my dh, George
2. does being a little kid again count
3. sleeping
4. scrappin'

Four bloggers you are tagging:
1. I don't know anyone else to tag that hasn't been tagged already

Thanks Darla--that was fun.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Why do kids need to be such a pain in the rear?

Man my dd, Angel, is really trying my patience today--well its not only her but my dh, George. They just both are really getting on my nerves lately and its not just one thing persay but a bunch of little things. One big thing with Angel is that I can never go out for some "me" time and not get a call from her asking "When are you coming home?" Last night when I was at WW I got a call from her saying that she needed help b/c her friend that was supposed to come help her while I was gone wasn't here. I had no problem coming home for this reason but when I got out to the car, I realized that I could call Brian and Nikki to see if they were home and if at least one could go help Angel. Brian said no problem and that they would both go over so I just went to wait for George at work like I told Angel I would do before coming home (George didn't have to close so he would be off early and I didn't want to come home just to get a call 5-10 min. later to come pick him up). While sitting there waiting for George, she called me a half dozen times and said one time "I thought you were coming home" to which I replied "No not since Brian and Nikki are there" and then she was a little mad. Tuff I think if she was mad. I deserve just a little bit of time by myself and not to be bugged. I am here all the time with the kids and just wanted a little bit of time to do something for me but can't even enjoy that b/c of PHONE CALLS.

George irritates me because I ALWAYS have to do any calling to make arrangements for bills, or information, etc. because he just can't seem to "muster the strength" to do it himself and then he gets mad at me if I make the wrong arrangements. GRRRRRR!!! I just tell him that if he doesn't like it then call them yourself so back off. MEN AT TIMES!!!

I might be overly sensitive at times but man they are really "raking my last nerve". There are other things with them also but too many to list here. Then you add on top my grandsons and step-dd and sil and I'm feeling very overwhelmed at times. I just try to not think about everything all together b/c it is overwhelming.

I'm just glad that my other step-dd, Lexie, isn't around to make things WAY WORSE than they are now. We haven't heard from her since about Thanksgiving time and man has it been nice. She totally lied about getting kicked out of her house and we knew she was but to have it confirmed by her "friends" was just icing on the cake. We have caught her in so many lies before that its not even funny. Oh well not our problem anymore--she hasn't been for a while now but especially since she turned 21 on Jan. 24th. She has a flare for the dramatic just like her own mother and her sister, Nikki.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Well its just me for Weight Watchers tonight

Charm is in Boise with Briar today because little Treyvan had his surgery this morning. I certainly hope everything went fine and if it doesn't, I know that she will either call me or George will find out from Leo today. Poor little guy has had a rough time of it since birth that it just makes me want to cry for him. He has sleep apnea and has had to be on oxygen to sleep at night for several months. He was born Sept. 29, 2005 and is such a cute little boy. He is having a surgery on his trachea (sp), if I remember correctly, to help him breath better and hopefully get rid of his sleep apnea. I have been sending up prayers for him since I heard last week that he was having surgery. I just know everything will be ok but I just worry since he is sooo small. If he's anything like his mommy, he will survive to live a full life. Here's to Treyvan--my little buddy.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Wow its been 9 days since I posted here!!!

I just started back at Weight Watchers again tonight with Charm after being gone for a few years. I think that I will do good on this again as I did really well last time. I had to quit going when George started having his seizures and had to find different work than the restaurant--it just was not in the budget. She has continued to go with Dana each week. Charm and I will keep each other motivated as she has put back on all but 13 lbs of her original weightloss. She has been so busy this last year that I wasn't surprised that she put weight back on but I didn't know it was as much. Charm still looks good in my opinion, but I know that she's not happy for herself.

Charm and Leo have bought themselves a new house--a bigger house, a way bigger house--and man does it need a lot of tlc. Charm is upset because she doesn't want to move for several different reasons but some of the biggest are that they just paid off their house last year, her pool, and she just doesn't like to have to move. Leo wants to have space when all the kids are there, like at Christmas time, to escape from the bickering and things. I think she will be better with everything once they get the remodeling done, which will take 5-6 months to complete. They will keep their house now and just rent it out. I sure wish that we could afford it but there is just no way and besides I would just be too nervous with the kids and the pool. I will do all that I can to console her and get her excited for this new house. It has 2-3 acres, a private driveway, and has bunches of trees so it is kinda secluded.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Man how some people can be so cruel

I used to get responses to my posts on ckmb but not very much anymore. A lot of people have done worse than I ever have and yet they always get responses on their posts. Oh well its everyone else's loss and not mine. I am making my life better for me first and foremost and then for my family. If I work on myself first, it will in turn make my family better. I do love my family sooooo much and they do love me also.

George's birthday is tomorrow and I can't get him anything. Well I am going to make him a card and get the house nice and clean for him--that is what he said that he wanted. Angel and I will finish the house tomorrow as it is late tonight and we have done a lot today as it is.

I am hoping to be able to scrap before the end of the week and if we keep busting our butts tomorrow, it just might be possible. Ahhh to scrap again--that will be very nice.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

You know I'm having kinda a weird/blah day in a way

but its not just one thing in particular. I know that housework is a never ending battle but I would at least like it "to be caught up enough" to be able to go do some fun things. Angel and I usually start when we get both Jason and TJ on the bus for school (TJ goes at 11 am and Jason at noon) and then we can go until around 6 pm but in that time we also have to get Alex down for a nap usually and any other running around--errands--that needs to be done. After school both boys go to the Learning Center and don't leave there until 6 pm. When they get home, there's not much we can do as far as deep cleaning because they just get in the way most of the time or go right behind us and mess it all up again.

Angel and I have a lot of fun together most days and we are finally getting things done up around the house--along with George's help some days--so that it won't be anything to get housework done and then we can do fun stuff. Its just getting it to that point that I really hate and is making me feel so blah today.

Since Nikki and Brian moved out into their own apartment, we have been getting that third bedroom all set up for the boys and man has it ever been a chore of sorts. We have had to clean out the closet, pick up the toys, through away garbage, and vacuum just so we could get their clothes hung up in the closet and have it look nice for them. I know that they won't keep it really clean--ie. toys all around, etc.--but it looks soooo much better and it will be easier to clean with all of Nikkis stuff out of there. The boys right now are sleeping on Lexie's old bed but soon we are going to get them some bunkbeds so that she can take her bed along with the rest of her stuff.

I have to say that it is much nicer now that we have gone through so much in this house and gotten rid of a lot of stuff. It is also nice that we have a room just for the boys and their toys. It was nice to have Nikki stay with us while Brian was gone but its also nice that we have that room just for the boys now.

Angel and I are getting used to doing stuff without Nikki's help now since she doesn't live here and when she does come over, all she does is just sit here. It's usually a struggle even to get her to do anything just for her sons--well it was before she left for a little bit also--so we just quit asking. Nikki and Brian have been a little surprised when I have told them that we didn't need their help all the time anymore and that we have had to learn to deal without them because they aren't here all the time--could have put Brian's whole foot in his mouth, hehehe. Don't get me wrong, we do welcome their help when they are here but just don't count on it anymore like we used to.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

MAN Alex is being sooo funny today!!!

It is just like someone put a quarter in him--just being really funny and having a mischievious laugh and grin. Angel and I have such a fun time with him most days but there are those days that he really tests our patience like today. You can definately tell that Jason and Alex are brothers because neither of them knows what it is to "BE QUIET" when they need to be. We go into a restaurant to have lunch with George (grandpa) and man was he ever LOUD. He is also not very patient (just like Jason).

I wouldn't trade any of my grandsons for anything (well maybe sometimes when they just won't settle down--tee hee hee j/k) but I would like to know of some way to make them mind better. I know, I know wishful thinking but maybe some day someone will have the key to that.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

HAPPY NEW YEAR--What a way to start it!!!

Man am I ever naucaus from my Byetta shot. Friday I started taking the 10 mgs instead of the 5 mgs and just like when I started it to begin with, I am feeling sick. Helena told me that I would probably have those same feelings because I was doubling the dose to the max that you can take but I didn't remember it being this bad. Well when I was in the hospital, I could get a shot of phenergen (sp) to help with it but at home I just have to deal with it. I just go up and lay down for an hour or so and then I do feel better. My family has been very understanding with me these last few days and letting me just kinda deal with this how I need to and I do help when I feel like I can. It is getting better today but man it is tough to begin with.

We all stayed up to ring in the New Year with our favorite show--Dick Clark's Rockin New Year's Eve. It was so nice to see Dick Clark back this year even if it wasn't to do all of the show. I hadn't realized how much his stroke in 2004 had impared his speech until last night. He was still Dick but you could obviously tell with his speech being a little slow and slurred.

I was in bed by 1230 am because of being sick but I at least made it until the new year. George, Angel, Nikki, Alex and myself rang in the New Year together but Jason and Thomas had already fallen asleep. Brian unfortunately had to work and couldn't be here with us.